Lizkii's Wonderland

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Basic specifications

Member Count: Undisclosed

Consciousness: Monoconscious

Practical Cocon Limit: F+2

Amnesic Barriers: "Force-Required" (significantly traumatic memories are moreso unconsciously suppressed rather than repressed, can be accessed if forced)

Membership data

Each member has a unique identifier ("M" + index), where the index is relatively arbitrary, as being their order in being documented. Distinct identity, presence, or name are the defining criteria for being documented. No longer present members/entities (including transient ones) that otherwise do not have their index repurposed.

For reference, Liz is M1 and I (Kii) am M2.

Other members that must be listed due to mentions elsewhere (here or otherwise) are M3 and M6.


Messages sent from or posts written by a specific member will generally be marked with a signature and color when possible/reasonable and speaker is not otherwise obvious.

Messages or posts that are from a specific speaker, but not necessarily indicative of that speaker's opinions or identity and are rather applicable system-wide are unsigned and marked with a neutral color (white for dark environments, black for light ones).

There are times when messages/posts need to have a shorter signature, in which case, they will usually be signed with the individual member's given initial(s).

For reference: Liz is L and mine (Kii) is K.

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